
Showing posts from October, 2022

How Practicing Gratitude Can Build Resilience

  How Practicing Gratitude Can Build Resilience   By Sadie Tollberg, Outreach Director   The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at VVSD, Los Angeles   Resiliency. The definition of resiliency is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, toughness. That is something that was taught during my time in service, but I do not know if this word was ever used.    In the military, you can feel like you are kicked over and over but it is not about getting kicked, it is about getting back up again and becoming stronger each time. I remember thinking that I was always given hard tasks and put in situations where I was scared, and I was not happy about it at the time. But those were some of my most character building and mentally and physically strengthening moments of my career. Gratitude came from really recognizing the small things and how important they are in the grand scheme of things. When I was deployed and there were days without water to shower, or air conditioning I found wa